Collective agreements with sector organisations
As Sena strives for economies of scale when issuing licences, we offer collective licences to sector organisations. Once they have concluded an agreement, sector organisations receive a modular compensation on their collective invoices as remuneration for their services. The modular compensation scheme has been approved by the Copyright Committee of the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW) and the Dutch Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MKB-Nederland).
What are the qualifying conditions for a collective licence?
In order for your sector organisation to qualify for a collective licence, you must meet the following conditions:
- You engage in specific activities on behalf of or in the interest of your members.
- Such activities might include lobbying, collective labour agreement negotiations, setting up innovation projects, providing economic and/or legal advice, organising information meetings, collective purchasing, etc..
- You are a not-for-profit organisation, meaning that you use subsidies, donations and other income to advance the aim of your sector organisation.
- You are listed in the Commercial Register as an association or foundation and take active steps to promote the interests of your members.
- Your sector organisation is representative of its product or service category or sector.
Discretionary criteria
In addition to the conditions specified above, we use the following criteria to assess whether to grant your application for a collective licence:
- The administrative costs and default risk for Sena following the award of the licence should remain as low as possible.
- The collective agreement must have the interest of Sena's right holders at heart.
- In the interest of market coverage and risk management, we also take into consideration the size of your membership body, your objects clause and your target audience.
- For the benefit of both the music user and the right holder, the cost advantage should accrue to the business where the music is played.
- This cost advantage should not be used as a 'growth tool', where the long-term benefits of the cost advantage to your own organisation outweigh those to your members.
- We take into consideration whether your target audience is already the beneficiary of one or more other collective agreements.
- We consider your growth perspective. In the future, this may be determined by a formula (e.g. the income generated by additional members minus the cost advantage to those members and any marketing or research costs).
- We take into consideration whether your members have a say in your policy decisions, and if so, to what extent.
- We take into consideration the fact that the policy of your sector organisation reflects on us. This may affect our decision.
As a licensee, you act as a Sena 'ambassador'. The more active and positive your messaging about us, the more likely we are to grant your application for a collective license. PR management and the prevention of reputational damage are vital elements of the collective agreement.

Collective licence
Are you a sector organisation interested in obtaining a collective licence? As our Account Manager for Collective Licences, Rik would be happy to answer your questions. He can be contacted on +31 (0)35 - 625 17 10 or at (on working days between 8:30 a.m. and 17:30 p.m.)