Makes the most of music
Sena manages the rights of performers and producers. They receive a payment from us if their music has been played in public. We work every day to obtain the best possible outcome for our rightholders, of which there are currently more than 48,000.
Performers and producers get paid thanks to the music licences that businesses and organisations purchase from us. As a not-for-profit organisation, we forward the collected funds as quickly as possible for the lowest possible fee. This way, music makers are paid what they are due.
Sena operates in accordance with the Neighbouring Rights Act and is based in Hilversum. The organisation’s name in full is the Foundation for the Exploitation of Neighbouring Rights.
Mission and vision
The difference between Sena and Buma/Stemra
Whenever you want to play music in public, you’ll be dealing with both Sena and Buma/Stemra. What is the difference between these organisations?
Creating music is a joint effort by multiple parties, including composers and makers. Buma/Stemra represents the interests of composers and ensures that its members (composers, lyricists and publicists) receive a payment when their music is used (copyright). Sena represents the interests of makers and ensures that artists, session musicians and producers receive a payment when their music is used (neighbouring rights).
Member of VOI©E
Sena is a member of VOI©E, the Dutch sector organisation for collective intellectual property management organisations.