Apply for a master owner code

Register now and get your music royalties

Jacqueline Calis
Customer Relation Employee Any questions?
One of our Customer Relation Department colleagues will be happy to help. Call +31 (0)35 625 1780 or email They are available on working days between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Click here or app your question to
06 83 86 49 01
06 83 86 49 01
Ask your question using WhatsApp
On working days (Monday–Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.), you can also contact us using WhatsApp. Simply add +31 (0)6 8386 4901 to your list of contacts and send us your question. We will respond within the hour. Please note that the Privacy Policy of WhatsApp applies to all communications made using WhatsApp.